Meet our Member: Lady Hale

To mark the occasion of her 75th birthday on 31 January 2020, we proudly present a very special Meet Our Member film, celebrating the extraordinary career of one of our most inspirational Members. Lady Hale was Called to the Bar by Gray’s in 1969, and over the years, her contribution to the Inn has been significant. As our Vice-Treasurer and Treasurer, she exercised superb leadership and set an example of service and duty to all Members of the Inn. Her commitment to mentoring successive generations of Gray’s barristers at workshops and training events has been invaluable. Whilst Lady Hale may have retired from her Judicial duties at the Supreme Court, we look forward to her ongoing involvement here at Gray’s, where she will continue to give her time to help educate, inspire and shape the early careers of our new students. Find out more on our website:
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