[ ASTRO MANIA 2 ] - Jet Set Radio Type Music Showcase and Speedrun

[ WELCOME TO THE SECOND ASTRO MANIA, A MUSIC EVENT HOSTED OVER A LIVE SPEERUN OF JET SET RADIO. A special thanks to DJ Chidow for being the MC, loomeh_ on Twitch for hosting the stream and speedrunning the game, and to Traggey (@traggey) for our great poster!] [ SASHKO NAGANUMA:{ Bandcamp: Twitter: @Sashko_Naganuma }, 0:00:00 DJ HC1:{ Instagram: @ }, 0:16:37 LUCE:{ Bandcamp: Soundcloud: }, 0:39:15 NYTH:{ twitter: @NythV }, 0:55:39 SPACE BASS SUPERNATURAL:{ YouTube: ERROR: Current entry Twitter: @WetStapler Bandcamp: }, 1:02:47 DJ CHIDOW:{ YouTube: ūjikku SoundCloud: Instagram: @chidow_1990 Twitter: @ChidowHouse Bandcamp: } 1:15:12 ] [ loomeh_ THE TALENTED SPEEDRUNNER:{ } ] [ WE HOPE YOU ENJOYED ASTRO MANIA 2! ]
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