Characters: Reimu and Yukari (Illusionary Barrier team)
Difficulty: Extra (ranging from Normal to Lunatic)
Midboss: 歴史喰い ~ 上白沢 慧音 (History Eater ~ Kamishirasawa Keine)
Boss: 蓬莱の人の形 ~ 藤原 妹紅 (Figure of the Person of Hourai ~ Fujiwara no Mokou)
Why did I die on the last spell? ; - ;
東方永夜抄 ~ Imperishable Night (or Touhou Eiyashou ~ Imperishable night, even though 永夜抄 (Eiyashou) means Imperishable Night XD) is the 8th installment (and the easiest in my opinion....) in the Touhou series. In summary, you can shoot enemies and dodge bullets in this game. As someone who has experience (I actually played Touhou first before Osu), I highly reccomend this one, because of the story, the characters, and a bunch of interesting secrets! (You have to decide though if you want to fall on this rabbit hole ^^)