European Union | Tony Benn | Oxford Union

Tony Benn answers a question on the EU. SUBSCRIBE for more speakers ► Facebook @ Twitter @ Oxford Union Website @ QUESTIONS: Do you think that left wing Euro scepticism is overshadowed by UKip and Tory backbenchers? Would you support withdrawal from the EU? Filmed on Thursday 7th February 2013 Tony Benn’s full address: ABOUT TONY BENN: Rt Hon Tony Benn was a Member of Parliament for 50 years, and a Cabinet Minister under Harold Wilson and James Callaghan. He served as Minister of Technology, Secretary of State for Energy, Secretary of State for Industry as well as Chairman of the Labour Party. Benn has topped several polls as the ’most popular politician in Britain’; he has been described as ’one of the few UK politicians to have become more left-wing after holding ministerial office’.
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