NEW! Science Proves Shroud Image Is JESUS 2020 Video
It is falsely stated that Science will never be able to prove who the Man in the Shroud is and it’s some kind of complex mystery when we all know exactly who we are looking at when we see the image on the Shroud, Jesus.
God made it easy for us. The Almighty God would not make it complicated to identify his Son. NO WAY!
1. Cap of Thorns
2. Wound in Side from Roman Soldier Blade
3. Part of beard “plucked out“
4. laid in a long sheet of fine linen (Of course Jesus was scourged and crucified)
NOTEWORTHY: As a result of the body being separated from the linen the body left behind a superficial image with the resolution of a modern day laser printer, a photo negative, x ray, holographic image that according to Italian scientist Paolo DiLazzaro would take several billion watts of power to produce using man made methods.
QUESTION; In the history of forensic science how many other dead bodies have left behind a photo negative, x ray , holographic