Excerpts from an Interview with the Chief Editors of the Newspapers Komsomolskaya Pravda, Izvestia, Moskovsky Komsomolets and 6
March 22,2001.
Интервью главным редакторам газет «Комсомольская правда», «Известия», «Московский комсомолец», «Труд»
22 марта 2001 года.
As for agricultural land, I think we could do well to follow the path Russia embarked on in the past when implementing reform. After putting in place the basic law and the legal framework valid for the whole country, we could delegate certain powers regarding the sale of agricultural land to the regions. I think that is a possible approach. But the final decision of course rests with the State : You were elected President a year ago and yet your approval rating is extremely high. This cannot be an end in itself for a president or a political leader. In the work of the president or any high government official sooner or later moments occur when they have to take unpopular decisions, the benefits from which may become apparent only in the future. So, my question is, is there anything for which you would trade 1520% of your approval rating?
VLADIMIR PUTIN: Thats a delicate question. What is the popularity rating? First, I know that it is pretty high, even higher than before the elections. Normally it is the other way , first, it indicates a certain level of trust on the part of the people and I take this opportunity to thank all the people who trust , it is very important in any country, and especially in such a country as Russia where the institutions of state are still shaky, because peoples confidence is the basis for any transformation. I have to tell you that I treasure this. Not because it pleases me but because it enables us to pass laws and make decisions with my opinion, it is important to explain your actions to the people and to be honest with the people. Certain actions may meet with criticism, they may be liked or disliked, some people may agree with them and some may disagree. But if one behaves in an open and honest manner, one will retain the main asset popular confidence. And then one neednt be afraid of losing a few percentage points because it is offset by another feeling a sense of fulfilling your duty to the people who have elected you. I will remain committed to these values.
: You have said that Russia needs full-fledged parties with broad popular support and that in the future the President should be nominated by public and political associations.
VLADIMIR PUTIN: Could be nominated.
: Could be nominated. My question is, are you happy with the way this process is moving forward?
VLADIMIR PUTIN: As regards the growing influence of parties and the emergence of national parties, I think it is an important element in strengthening the state and society. I think if we arrive at a situation when the country has several large and influential national parties it might indeed make sense to adopt a system whereby these parties promote candidates to top jobs in the at the moment I think that the head of state should represent the interests of the whole of society. The Duma has just had a debate on the law on political parties. All this should be put into practice. When it becomes reality, when these parties materialize, then we can in practice adopt the system you have referred to. I think that is a : Now that we have moved on to politics, one more question about politics. At present the system of the Presidents Plenipotentiary Representatives in seven federal districts is seen as playing the key role. Does it mean that the Federation Council is a moribund structure and that the whole legislature is going to be reorganized?
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