Hempfling - When the Horse Seeks Us - About KFH and his unique way

Fantastic pictures from a play-dance-working-session in the wild nature at liberty. Very clearly you can see the fantastic effects of the Magic-Lungeing, which Klaus founded in this form and evolved into a true art and unique way. Here one of the most important bases in Klaus’s work. A horse needs a very good preparation to carry a rider. Klaus has raised the Art of Lungeing - learn more about it here and what this means. This clip is also a first entrance into Klaus’ unique way of being with horses in the highest sense of their culture which has made him known worldwide. This video features the horse therapist Klaus Ferdinand Hempfling’s work. With his professional background in communications he has shaken up the international horse world. He is working with these powerful, dignified creatures in accordance with nature. The development of the rider’s “presence“ and an orientation to holistic principles is integral to this work. Klaus has the ability
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