How to Make a Cup Turner Cheap | DIY Double Tumbler Turner for less than $30

This DIY Tumbler Turner will cost you less than $30. It’s super easy to make and you could get it done in a couple of hours! I used ¾ inch plywood from the hardware store but any scraps you have could probably work! You can also adapt the sizes to meet your needs or even make a 3 or 4 cup turner! The PVC Pipe that I used was 3/4 inch and I glued it to the turner with E6000 glue. I chose to go with the kit because at this moment in time it was the easiest thing I could do. You can find all the caps and screws to use 3/4 inch pvc pipe. Here are the motors without caps and arms: WATCH NEXT! -Epoxy Vs CrystaLac: -How to Glitter a Tumbler with Brite Tone: -Smoke Method Tutorial: I participate in various affiliate programs. Some links that I share may provide me a small commissi
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