The HR Talent Management Model | AIHR Learning Bite

What is the talent management model, and how can you leverage it for the good of both employees and the business? In this video, we explain what the talent management model is, and how you can use it to boost overall business performance 🚀 This talent management model shows how you can get the most out of the talent in your organization. But what exactly is it, where does it originate, and how can you effectively leverage it, step by step, in your organization? In answering all these questions, we will touch upon the following: 💡acquisition 💡activation 💡revenue 💡referral 💡retention 💡employer branding 💡metrics 💡competitive advantage Want to dive deeper into the HR talent management model? We have an in-depth article for that 👇 Or check out our HR analytics digital human resources management courses and certificatio
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