Kyle Allen on Starring In The Map of Tiny Perfect Things and West Side Story

You might recognize Kyle Allen as the ill-fated perfect specimen Timothy Campbell in the “Apocalypse“ season of “American Horror Story“, and now he is nothing less than the leading man in fantasy romance film ’The Map of Tiny Perfect Things’ opposite Kathryn Newton! Young Hollywood catches up with the actor via Zoom where he shares with us reaction to seeing the film for the first (and second) time and how he relates to his on-screen counterpart! We also play a game of “Perfect or Pass“ to find out how he feels about hypothetical scenarios like reliving his perfect day every day for a year, li...ving in the character Henry’s room for two years, and more! Plus, Kyle teases some other projects he’s got coming up, like the long-awaited Steven Spielberg remake of the classic musical ’West Side Story’! #TheMapOfTinyPerfectThings #KyleAllen #KathrynNewton Subscribe to Young Hollywood on YouTube:
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