J.S. Bach for 8 String Guitar - Fuga BWV 1003

The fugue from J.S. Bach’s second violin sonata, BWV 1003. By far one of the most difficult pieces to play on classical guitar (or violin for that matter!), this was a particularly daunting task. This happens to be my own arrangement of this fugue, with a fair amount of inspiration drawn from the way that pianists often play Bach with a rather sharp and crisp attack, with little to no slurring. I found that in order to make this piece sound more exciting, and bring out some of the intensity, I decided to make the tempo go a bit faster than the way it’s often played. Another part of the inspiration for this was of course Paul Galbraith’s groundbreaking recording of Bach’s sonatas and partitas. Enjoy! Guitar by Jeff Sigurdson (he makes amazing 8 strings) Recorded in Hatch Recital Hall at the Eastman School of Music
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