Flying boats land in Auckland (1938)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit American Samoa clipper and British flying boat Centaurus arrive in New Zealand and clipper is lost at sea days later Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: Flying Boats Meeting at Auckland NEW ZEALAND: Greater Auckland: Various: EXT AEROPLANES, American Ill-fated Clipper & “Centrus“ arrive in N.Z. “CENTAURUS“ FLYING BOAT Arrives in N.Z. - same time as ill-fated Samoan Clipper from U.S. ILL FATED AMERICAN SAMOAN CLIPPER AND FLYING BOAT CENTAURUS ARRIVE IN NEW ZEALAND: Ships and Boats; Aviation flying boat, amphibious planes, airplanes, aerials, air views Background: American Samoa clipper and British flying boat Centaurus arrive in New Zealand and clipper is lost at sea days later FILM ID: VLVATZNUDQ85LDYXDSWYNLP1PTO7 To license this film, visit
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