Using Zephyr RTOS in an end-to-end IPv6 IoT solution

Lemonbeat offers IoT connectivity solutions consisting of field devices, gateways, and a backend system using end-to-end IPv6. Based on the use case requirements we have to be flexible and  support different types of connectivity between field device and gateway. This includes wireless connection via long or short range radio, wired connection via ethernet, and cellular connectivity (LTE cat-M1 or LTE cat-NB1). Zephyr enabled us to build a highly flexible software for our devices which seamlessly integrates our IPv6 based application layer with the underlying varying communication layers. In this talk, we show some of our use cases and explain how we used Zephyr RTOS to implement device and gateway firmwares. Additionally, the presentation covers some of the contributions we made to the Zephyr project (mostly related to IPv6 routing and PPP support). Finally, we will explain challenges and learnings we experienced when moving from a legacy stack to Zephyr based solution.
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