Welcome to your New Year celebration Tingle Basket for 2022! This year we have a filling of your trigger requests old and new items. I wish you love and peace ALL the very best for the year ahead 💜 with love, Emma
The Art pieces video -
The sheet on it’s own -
🙏🏼 Thank you for helping me build *Whispaws Animal Sanctuary* !! 🐶 🌟
💜 JustGiving Fundraising Page -
💜 @Whispaws_Rescue on Instagram and Facebook
💜 Throne Wishlist to send items we need -
💜 Easyfundraising Cause Page - to send free donations while you shop online!
💎 *Crystals & Gifts to help Whispaws* -
🎧 *ASMR Music Album* 🎤 Dream Away (Sleepy ASMR Songs) 🌟ASMR music album release available to listen now on all streaming and downloading services 💜
Spotify -
Google Play -
iTunes -
Amazon Music -
📚 *My Book - Unwind Your Mind: The Life-changing power of ASMR* - Published by Ebury/PenguinRandomHouse in the UK/Europe and Harper One in the US and Canada. Available in Hardback, Paperback, Audiobook and Ebook.
🎧 *ASMR Albums* are available to download or stream on all services worldwide *Search - WhispersRed ASMR* 🎧
Spotify -
Google Play -
Itunes -
Amazon Music -
00:00 Intro and the first item is the Basket!
04:01 Windy Muffs
04:48 The filling
05:39 Malcolm!
08:58 The Flower
13:45 The Blue Shower Cap
19:34 Extra long Silicone Sheet exploration
36:40 The white beaded heart
41:58 Hair cutting scissors
47:08 The magical box
53:24 All the Love to you and an AMAZING 2023!
🎤 *Live ASMR events* -
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❥ Children’s Channel -
🌟 *Connect* 🌟
Website -
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Twitter - @WhispersRedASMR
Instagram - whispersred_asmr
🌹 *Contribute translations!* -
❥ *To reach the UK & Ireland ASMR Community!*
Facebook Group - ASMR UK & Ireland -
*Disclaimer* - This video is not intended to replace any medical care or counselling that might be needed. The benefits of ASMR in terms of a therapy is so far anecdotal and in the early stages of published research. This video is intended for a mature audience for the purposes of mindfulness, relaxation and entertainment.
*Product links* - These are usually affiliate links. Anything you purchase through them will help in the running of my YouTube channels. However I only link items I bought myself and/or use regularly.
#asmr #whispersred
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