I made some terrible decisions as a small business owner - where I am now

I’ve recently made some bad decisions for my business... in contrast, I’ve also recently made some of the best decisions for myself as an individual. Nope, nothing magical happened, I didn’t find a way to work ’smarter’ while still staying true to myself, but we are going to be ok, and healthier and happier because of it. I wanted to talk about this, perhaps to deglamorize my experience being self-employed, what I’m doing about it, and where I am now. The future is unknown, that being said, that can be super scary when faced with expecting a child in five months and having to take time off work! We’ve done our best to save and plan ahead, we have supportive parents and know we will be ok, but making the decision to cut back on work for health and balance has been incredibly daunting to say the least. The good thing is we are facing the future as a team. I wanted to share because I want my story to be a reminder to all of you to stay true to yourself, very few things are worth s
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