How Legacy of Kain Should Have Ended (Lost Chronicle Pt. 2 - Destiny)

Part 1 here: Kain must overcome the growing darkness in Nosgoth by unearthing the secrets of his destiny. Please do not thumbs down the video based on your approval/disapproval of the story. Thumbs up the idea that someone made a video in tribute to Lok. Story comments will be deleted from the youtube video comment section, so please post at the url location below if you have a story comment and read the Q and A prior to posting, thanks! Dispite some choppiness, it was hard work. I really hope you enjoy. Featuring talents of Steven Kelly, Dusk Requiem and Raina Audron. Special thanks to Vampmaster for model-ex and of course to the lok fans, who always appreciate the Legacy. Pt.1- Vorador Pt 2- Destiny - Flashback! Moebius and Mortanius’ Bloody Revolt - Legacy (mystery cutscene)
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