“Common Loon“ is the lead single from @XiuXiuForLife’s new album, 13“ Frank Beltrame Italian Stiletto with Bison Horn Grips - out September 27, 2024 on @PolyvinylRecords.
Shot, Directed and Edited by Alicia McDaid
Producer: Katie Stenberg
Alicia McDaid as mcdazzler, Britney Spears, The Angelologist, Smurfette, Garfield, Pepe, Anna Nicole Smith Joker, Led Zeppelin groupie, Galactica Darkstar, Jason Voorhees, Frida Kardashian, Viagra, Goth Monica Geller, Chemtrails, Ghöstmilf, She Hulk, Carmela Soprano, Cathy, Bret Michaels Andy Warhol and Odie
Featuring: knivesinsideher, Diana Joy, Lena Kassof, Christine Stormberg, jailfeet, Leia Levine, Moses McDaid
Additional footage: Katie Stenberg, Jessica Calleiro, Alicia Gordon, Diana Joy, Ray Gordon, Erin Leckenby, Leann Bobo, Jay Winebrenner
Makeup: Alicia McDaid and Ally McGillicuddy
Special thanks: Elaine Carey, Dave Carnie, Tania Carnie, Geneva Fabry, kidzrage, Zak Margolis, Fran O’Connor
what will you do if and when
I am someone else
They are a freak cool
Impermanent candy
Common Loon inopportune
But don’t you worry about it now
Red Balloon over used
(So) don’t you worry about it now
A beautiful .
Vaseline to be polite
It’s time to creep out
Get Low Low dandy
#XiuXiu #CommonLoon #13inchFrankBeltrameItalianStilettoWithBisonHornGrips
Xiu Xiu For Life