Programmer Humor

#programmerhumor #meme #programmers Please follow me on Twitter to get more updates on memes! The soul wrenching betrayal when your question goes unanswered on Stackoverflow or any other forum when you are in dire need of solutions. The horror as you refresh continuously only to find no answers. Not even a post that is inquisitive or requests more details. You are left in the dark with the deepest hurt and left wondering, “Am I really the first to ever find and discover this issue to ask this question?“. The question to follow is “Is no one answering because no one knows or did I just ask a question so stupid everyone is shunning me?“ If you are reading this then you likely bothered to read my snippet above. I hope the meme gave you a laugh and it if did, please do share it to help my channel grow which will result in more of the funnies to be made in the future. Also the Prestige has got to be one of Nolans best films hands down. Now, ignore the next block of words as its to
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