How To Build Otter Titi A Shelter

Merman Tiun created a burrow with dense foliage that can block out noise and light. It allows the otters to sleep peacefully. In fact, Asian small-clawed otters live in holts, which are holes in river banks with multiple entrances to protect against flooding, with at least one entrance above water level. The little clawed otter’s natural habitat is similar to Merman Tiun’s cave for otter Titi, but it’s safer. Because the otter cave in the wild is prone to flooding during heavy rains. Baby clawed otters breed in late December and early May, and babies born in May frequently suffocate because they are washed away by rainwater. If an otter family had more than ten members ten years ago, an otter family now has only two members. Because they are poached, it is difficult for them to support one another in difficult times. When a mother otter has more than four children, they are cared for by aunts and uncles, but because the otters have been turned into pets, there aren’t many family members left,
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