«I don’t want control, I want to let go
Are you ready? I’ll be ready»
AU STORY: Ateş breaks up with Güneş because he doesn’t want to dragged her into his darkness, he also returns to Feraye. Güneş is heartbroken and decides to leave Cappadocia because she can’t imagine seeing him around with his wife. Before she leaves, she learns she is pregnant, but decides not to tell him since she wants to protect her child from a future as a Bakirci and doesn’t want Ateş to be with her because of the baby. The only person she tells is her friend Bade. 5 years pass and Güneş has to return to represent a client. She hopes it’s a quick visit and she doesn’t run into anyone. Her fiance and now five-year-old son come with her. Of course, as fate would have it, she sees Ateş who is incredibly suprised to see her after all these years. He decides to come to her house and learns she has a fiance. She doesn’t mention her son, so he is shocked when he learns Güneş is a mother. Thoughts at the back of his mind whisper that her son’s age is the same as when she left Cappadocia. He becomes inquisitive and discovers it is his child. Güneş is defensive and tries to hide it, but nothing can be done Ateş knows the truth now. He wants a relationship with his son, but Güneş is wary. Ateş continues to try to get closer to her and his son. Things are getting better, but suddenly Güneş gets into an accident. They both realise life is so short and they love each other, so they should stop fighting and be a family THE END
Fandom: safir
Pairing: Ateş Gülsoy and Güneş Acıkalın
Colouring: @impossibletardistutorials
Song: title/ask
#safir #fanvidfeed #ilhanşen #gizemkaraca #ateşgülsoy #atgün
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