SAMADHI Meditation Music! Supreme State of Consciousness
SAMADHI Meditation Music! Supreme State of Consciousness, Frequency from Theta to Delta with 432hz tuning to generate a connection to your natural self.
Enlightenment Miracle Meditation Music
Ultra Deep State of Consciousness⎪Theta Delta
432 Hz Miracle Meditation Music
♡ NO HEADPHONES REQUIRED⎪Results ⎪Comfortable
♡ WITH HEADPHONES⎪Results ⎪Comfortable
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Infinite Gratefulness for Existence
Ivo Artur
♡ This Music has been tuned to A4 = 432 Hz and 60 Bpm
432 Hz Resonates with all the 7 Chakras and Universe Oneness
In this track You Will Feel:
Binaural Beats, Monaural Beats and Isochronic Tones at once
♡ it features:
☯ 20 Hz Pineal Gland Stimulation ► Frequency
☯ 20 Hz - 0.1 Hz From Beta To Epsilon ► Downrange Frequency
☯ 60 Hz Consciousness ► Solfeggio Frequency
☯ 8 Hz Earth Natural Frequency ► Schumann Resonance
☯ 4 Hz - 0.5 Hz SAMADHI ► Enlightenment Frequency
☯ 432 Hz Miracle Meditation Music ► Tuning
♡ Intent:
☯ SAMADHI⎪Enlightenment⎪Ultra Deep State of Consciousness
♡ About:
☯ 4.0 Hz - 0.5 Hz Delta Range
Deep dreamless sleep, trance,
Suspended animation.
Reduces amount of cortisol,
a hormone associated with stress & ageing.
Increases the levels of DHEA (anti-ageing) & melatonin
(decreases ageing process.)
Associated with unconscious mind & sleep state,
in conjunction with other frequencies in a waking state,
Delta acts as a form of radar, seeking out information,
reaching out to understand on the deepest unconscious level things that we can’t understand through thought process.
Provides intuition, empathic attainment & instinctual insight.
Conducive to miracle type healing, divine knowledge, inner being & personal growth, rebirth, trauma recovery, “one with the universe“ experiences ( Samadhi ), near death experience, characterised by “unknowing“, merely a blissful “being“ state such as deep sleep or coma.
☯ 4.0 Hz Bridge Between Theta and Delta
Extrasensory perception;
Astral Projection,
“Seduction mindset“;
Catecholamines, Vital for memory & learning, respond at around 4 Hz. Subconscious Problem Solving/ Full Memory Scanning
(if one can manage to stay awake);
Associated with object naming, an important aspect of memory;
“Those who suffer from Chronic Fatigue exhaust very easily.
When moved to 4 hz these individuals showed marked improvement in the length of time between the occurrence of exhaustion after certain exercises were completed.”
☯ The secret behind 432Hz tuning and 8Hz
Tune yourself to the heartbeat of our planet
To understand the healing power behind 432Hz, you must first learn about another frequency, 8Hz. It is said that 8Hz is the fundamental “beat” of the planet. The heartbeat of the Earth is better known as Schumann resonance and is named after physicist Winfried Otto Schumann, who documented it mathematically in 1952.
Schumann resonance is a global electromagnetic resonance, which has its origin in electrical discharges of lightning within the cavity existing between the Earth’s surface and the ionosphere. This cavity resonates with electromagnetic waves in the extremely low frequencies of approximately – 8Hz.
The “ordinary” thought waves created by the human brain range from 14Hz to 40Hz. This range only includes certain types of dendrites belonging to brain cells, predominantly within the left (the more rational) hemisphere of the brain, which is the center of activity.
If the two hemispheres of our brain are synchronized with each other at 8Hz, they work more harmoniously and with a maximum flow of information. In other words, the frequency of 8Hz seems to be the key to the full and sovereign activation potential of our brain.
8Hz is also the frequency of the double helix in DNA replication. Melatonin and Pinoline work on the DNA, inducing an 8Hz signal to enable mitosis and DNA replication. A form of body temperature superconductivity is evident in this process.
💛💜💚 My Channel is all about Pure Ascension.
I take all observations into account and always with my:
Wisdom, Knowledge and Experience,
I recreate Who I Really am and Share with the Oneness.
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