How to FIND Your Life’s PURPOSE in 5 Minutes: Saint Germain CHANNELED | Tara Arnold

WATCH the FULL Interview Here 👉 Want to watch a FREE Masterclass to take your Mind, Body, & Spirit to the next level? 👉 Subscribe for new videos all week long! @nextlevelsoulclips --------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- --------------- Tara Arnold is an Intuitive Artist and Conscious / Trance Channel Medium. As a Medium, she channels messages of universal knowledge and divine healing energy. As an artist, Tara channels this energy into her artwork. Tara works with the Ascended Masters and channels universal messages of love and guidance from Ascended Master St. Germain. As an empathic child, Tara received messages and guidance from spirit guides and, in her twenties, was drawn towards a career in healing. She became a Registered Nurse and spent 12 years nursing before returning to school and becoming a Natural Therapist. While Tara was taking energy healing courses, all of her intuitive abilities opened up, and she started sharing messages from her spirit with her clients during her healing sessions. She enjoyed consciously channeling messages, which led her on her path to trance channeling, where she could access messages more quickly and precisely. Please enjoy my conversation with Tara Arnold. WATCH Full Interviews on the Main Next Level Soul Channel @NextLevelSoul --------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- --------------- Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this podcast are those of the guests and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of Next Level Soul, its subsidiaries, or any entities they represent. --------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- --------------- 🌟 Listen to the Next Level Soul podcast: Apple Podcasts ➡️ Spotify ➡️ Google Podcasts ➡️ #nextlevelsoul #saintgermain #stgermain #channeling #channel
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