Plasticity | 30 Essential Modeling Exercises

30 Essential Practice Exercises in Plasticity. Get 10% off of Plasticity by using the code “PIXELFONDUE“ 00:00:00 Model the Plasticity Logo 00:00:29 Create a Celtic Knot Alternative Method 00:00:56 Create a Linear Wedge 00:01:16 Create a Tapered Chamfer 00:01:37 Create a Wedge Inset 00:01:52 Create an Umbrella Canopoy 00:02:16 Create the CBS Logo 00:02:34 Create the Twitter Logo 00:02:58 Model a Chess Rook 00:03:32 Model a Flat Infinity Symbol 00:04:03 Model a Spiral Tube along a Curve 00:04:29 Model a Keyboard Key Alternative Method 00:04:54 Modeling Exercise 59 00:05:23 Modeling Exercise 60 00:06:11 Modeling Exercise 61 00:07:10 Modeling Exercise 62 00:07:55 Modeling Exercise 63 00:08:43 Modeling Exercise 64 00:09:21 Modeling Exercise 65 00:09:58 Modeling Exercise 66
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