👉❓♻️ gold dust and gold mud

👉👉❓♻️💯 Hello friend@Archimedes Channel Usually we are familiar with gold in the form of jewelry and gold bars. Most people don’t know that gold can come in liquid form. Sometimes you will be surprised this is it mud, not gold, or this is dirt colored like earth. Gold is often used repeatedly. Cycle by service life Such as electronic equipment Old jewelry And various scrap gold from production Today I will bring my friend to see the change of gold. Gold purification Usually starting with nitric acid mixed with hydrochloric acid The usual ratio of acids is 3 parts hydrochloric acid to 1 part nitric acid, you can get Aqua Regia for making gold into a solution. Aqua regia is used to dissolve gold, platinum, and palladium. The acid mixture is unstable, so it is usually prepared in small amounts and used immediately. Do not store aqua regia. Aqua regia quickly loses it effectiveness due to oxidation of its reactive components. Mix a fresh s
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