UK Trains at SPEED 2020 🇬🇧

UK Railway FAST trains at SPEED on (UK) Britain’s West Coast, East Coast, Great Eastern, Great Western and Midland Mainline in 2020/2021. 🇬🇧 This video features a variety of trains at speed highlights on Britain’s ’core’ railway mainlines in and out of London filmed in various locations from December 2019 to September 2020. All trains were observed to be roughly traveling in excess of 75MPH and in most cases over 100MPH and even as high as 125MPH the maximum FULL speed of non-high speed routes! Its finally here! After several weeks in the making and covering 6 UK Mainlines, Trains at Speed is a fast action video with over 150 individual clips! Some of my regular viewers may also see some upcoming content amongst the short clips!
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