Whitney Webb: How Government Steals From Us, Bombshell Epstein Book, #Bitcoin & Decentralization

Whitney Webb is a writer, podcaster and researcher at Unlimited Hangout, mostly covering intelligence, tech, surveillance and civil liberties. She is the author of the new book, “One Nation Under Blackmail.“ Order here: NEW INTERVIEW: 🐦 Follow Whitney 🗒️ IN THIS EPISODE: 00:00 Swan Bitcoin promo 1:17 Growing up in North Carolina, studying religion, history 5:07 Living on farm in South America 6:47 Settling in Chile, joining MintPress News 8:30 Jeffrey Epstein ties to intelligence; Clinton, Bush, Trump families 13:33 Finding publisher 17:32 Epstein connection to Bill Gates; corruption then and now 24:18 Using primary sources, authoritative secondary sources 26:12 Americans look for political savior 29:41 Professional criminals are in power, want to start a civil war 31:26 Bubbles,
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