Genshin Impact: All Character Trailer Themes/The Stellar Moments 1 & 2 (Including Concert Versions)
This video only contains soundtracks that have been *officially released* by miHoYo/HOYO-MiX in the albums The Stellar Moments Volumes 1 and 2 and GENSHIN CONCERT 2021 “Melodies of an Endless Journey.”
1) 0:00 Venti - Bard’s Adventure
2) 1:44 Klee - Let’s Go, Crimson Knight!
3) 3:12 Klee - Where the Sunlight Flees
4) 4:22 Xiangling - Flaming Fry
5) 5:19 Fischl - Ouvertüre der ewigen Nacht
6) 6:33 Fischl - Sieh an, mein Sommernachtgarten!
7) 7:45 Qiqi - Preserver of Fortune
8) 8:44 Mona - Surge of Prophecies
9) 9:41 Tartaglia - Letter from Ajax
10) 11:12 Tartaglia - From Snezhnaya With Boldness
11) 12:39 Diona - Exclusive Specialty
12) 13:38 Xinyan - Rockin’ With Fire
13) 14:37 Keqing - Nimble as Lightning
14) 15:32 Albedo - Contemplation in Snow
15) 17:29 Albedo - Genius of Takwin
16) 19:06 Ganyu - Qilin’s Prance
17) 20:43 Zhongli - Rex Incognito
18) 22:29 Xiao - Path of Yaksha
19) 24:13 Hu Tao - Broker Betwixt Life
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