Busting Myths about Shared Parenting: Dr Rakesh Kapur in discussion with Dr Linda Nielsen

Shared Parenting: A Child’s Need & Right |Discussion Series| Episode 1 Guest Speaker: Dr Linda Nielsen, Professor of Adolescent & Educational Psychology at Wake Forest University. Her research and courses are focused on shared physical custody for children with separated parents and father-daughter relationships, with a special emphasis on divorced fathers. In addition to her many academic articles, she has written three books on father-daughter relationships and a college textbook, Adolescence: A Contemporary View. Link to Dr Linda Nielsen Articles: Host: Dr Rakesh Kapur, Founder BambooTree Children’s Foundation With rapidly rising parental separation and divorce rates, India has entered into a phase we call as “Parenting 4.0”, that is from a whole village raising a child to joint families to nuclear families, we now have children being raised in separated households. Research on children in countries who have undergon
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