Ali Mohammadi - “Almost orthogonal subsets of vector spaces over finite fields“ | MoCCA’20

The talk “Almost orthogonal subsets of vector spaces over finite fields“ by Ali Mohammadi on the Moscow Conference on Combinatorics and Applications at MIPT. Annotation: A set of non-zero vectors is said to be almost orthogonal if among any three of its elements, at least two are mutually orthogonal. Rosenfeld proved that the largest almost orthogonal subsets of R^n are of size 2n, giving a positive answer to a question of Erdös. Various finite field variants of this result were later conjectured by Ahmadi and Mohammadian. In this talk, I will discuss a recent joint work with Giorgis Petridis, in which we have resolved these conjectures, obtaining sharp analogues of Rosenfeld’s theorem. The full schedule of the conference -
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