Conor McGregor & Jake Gyllenhaal On MMA, Fighting & Conor’s Next Role | ROAD HOUSE Interview
JOE talks with Jake Gyllenhaal, Conor McGregor and Daniela Melchior about starring in the remake of ROAD HOUSE.
They discuss lying about skills to land roles, Conor’s acting abilities and what role he could take on next, Jake’s fighting abilities and what they learnt and also the rigorous schedule of an actor compared to MMA fighters.
#jakegyllenhaal #conormcgregor #roadhouse
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00:00 - Introduction To Road House
00:23 - What filming with Conor was like
01:22 - Conor taught Jake how to fight
02:32 - Conor’s next acting role
03:13 - Lying to land a role
04:41 - Jake on MMA
05:30 - Who Jake would fight
06:00 - Acting vs MMA
07:26 - British food
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