Beijing urges UK to abide by one-China principle & keep off Hong Kong, Xinjiang and Taiwan question

CNR: According to reports, UK Foreign Secretary James Cleverly said in his speech on foreign policy and the position on China on April 25 that it would be a betrayal of national interest to declare some kind of new Cold War or to isolate China. This Government will engage robustly and constructively with China, and at the same time, steadfastly defend the UK’s security and values. He said, China should fulfill its obligations in the Sino-British Joint Declaration. The UK is entitled to say so and act. China should not see the UK’s remarks on Xinjiang as interference in its internal affairs. He also said the UK hopes to see a peaceful settlement of the Taiwan question and it is essential that no party takes unilateral action to change the status quo. What’s China’s comment?  Mao Ning: In today’s deeply interconnected world, the multiple challenges facing humanity require joint responses. Bloc politics and the Cold War mentality are against the trend of history and do not serve the interests of the
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