New cosmetic buildables are coming in Update 5

In this week’s teaser we’re showing off a whole bunch of new cosmetic buildables coming in Update 5. New walls, windows, walkways, as well as a bunch of new buildable types (ROOFS!). See if you can spot them all! 👀 ⬇ Links and Info ⬇ Website FAQ ‣ Satisfactory Merch ‣ ⬇ Report bugs and make suggestions ⬇ ⬇ Social Media ⬇ Twitter ‣ Facebook ‣ Instagram ‣ Discord ‣ Reddit ‣ Twitch ‣ ⬇ Community Managers ⬇ Jace ‣ Snutt ‣ #Satisfactory is an FPS open-world factory building sim by #CoffeeStain Studios. You play as an engineer on an alien planet as part of the ‘Save The Day’ program - a program whose goa
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