Russia. It is a country that has been at the forefront of global politics for more than two centuries. Russia is a country that is almost always in the news, as the recent Russia Ukraine conflict demonstrates. It’s a country you simply cannot ignore. At a time of renewed tensions between East and West, its more important than ever that we stop a moment to understand what is Russia and who are the Russians. And this is why I made this country the next in the series on Nation States of Earth.
👉0:00 Introduction, Titles
👉3:37 Early History, Kievan Rus
👉7:01 The Rise of Moscow,
...First Tsars
👉8:46 Russian Empire, Peter, Catherine, Napoleon
👉12:58 Russian Revolution, Russian Civil War
👉17:07 Early Soviet Union (USSR), Stalin, World War II
👉20:52 Later Soviet Union, Cold War, Collapse, Gorbachev
👉24:16 Post Soviet Era of Russia, Yeltsin, Putin
👉27:28 Russian Government Structure, Flag, Coat of Arms
👉31:21 Physical Geography of Russia
👉36:57 Climate of Russia, Biomes
👉40:10 Human Geography of Russia
👉42:48 Russian Economy
👉47:29 Russian Culture
👉51:16 Great Russians (Montage)
👉55:36 Outro
In this one hour video I explore Russian history, one of invasions going both into and out of its vast territory, and one of tyrants within its own borders, whether they be Imperial Romanov Tsars such as Peter The Great, Catherine The Great or Nicholas II or the “Red Tsars“ of the Soviet Union, like Stalin. I look in detail at the events leading up to the Russian Revolution, its causes, and the aftermath of the Russian Civil War, and then the rise of the dictator Stalin, the murders and GULAG work camps, where few returned. I look at the devastation that the invasion of Russia had on the country in World War II, and how, in the war’s aftermath, a new Cold War developed between the conflicting ideologies of the Communist USSR and the Capitalist West. I look at how Russia was ultimately devastated by Communism, how the reforms of Mikhail Gorbachev (“Glasnost“ and “Perestroika“) were too little, too late, and how it took almost two decades to recover from the brutal shock of its collapse in the 1990s, under the rule of Boris Yeltsin and Vladimir Putin.
I look at Russian Geography. The fierce Russian climate is notorious for its harsh winters, that have meant the end of European invaders such as Napoleon. In the vast realm of Siberia, we find the coldest temperatures outside of Antarctica, and with the highest seasonal temperature ranges anywhere in the world. And it is this climate that gives us the biome of the Taiga, the endless boreal forest that has almost 20% of all trees globally.
The largest of all countries by land area, it’s no surprise that the Russian economy has access to an estimated 30% of all natural resources globally, with enormous natural gas, oil and mineral reserves. Its aerospace sector and space industry have been global leaders, achieving the first man in space (Yuri Gagarin) and the longest running national space station, Mir.
Both European and Asian, and something else entirely on its own, Russian culture is as rich as any nation, giving us world class writers such as Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky, Solzhenitsyn, Pasternak and Chekov. Russian Musicians are famous the world over, with such composers as Tchaikovsky, Stravinksy and Mussorgsky just some of the best composers the world has known coming from this country.
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Media Procurement Assistance: Richard Torres
Narrated, Written and Produced by
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