DON’T PANIC — Hans Rosling showing the facts about population

READ MORE: HELP TRANSLATE SUBTITLES — LICENSE — Please show this film in schools and other educational settings! By watching, downloading, showing or distributing this film, you agree to the following license: which basically says you are allowed to download the film and show it for educational purposes with a few exceptions. DOWNLOAD — You can downloaded the film here: If you need a version with even higher resolution please contact info@. Please notify us about your offline usage so that we can keep track of the number of users, and potentially help promote your great work! DVD — CREDITS — The film was produced by Wingspan Productions. ABOUT THE FILM — This is a free documentary for a fact-based worldview. The visualizations & stories in this film were originally developed by Gapminder. The data-sources are listed here: It was first broadcasted on BBC on 7th of November 2013. Director & Producer; Dan Hillman, Executive Producer: Archie Baron. ©Wingspan Productions for BBC, 2013. A DVD version of this film is available to order from Wingspan Productions. Help us caption & translate this video!
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