Understanding Seismic Velocities | Interval | Avg | NMO | RMS | Stacking velocity

#velocity #seismic #oilandgas #dataprocessing #geophysics Understanding Seismic Velocities such as Interval , Avg , NMO , RMS , Stacking velocity. -Interval Velocity: Vint Is the constant velocity of a single layer (which can be very thin). Vint can be approximately calculated from Vrms using the DIX equation. -Normal Moveout (NMO) Velocity:Vnmo Is the velocity required to best NMO correct the data using the hyperbolic NMO assumption. -Root Mean Square (RMS) Velocity :Vrms The root-mean-square (RMS) velocity is calculated from interval velocities. At large offsets more accurate NMO corrections can be performed by retaining the next term of the equation - this is usually referred to by contractors as fourth-order or higher order NMO correction. For many targets, this can become important at offsets greater than around 3km. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank yo
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