“Something worth living for.“

*WATCH IN HD* *PLEASE ADD MY BACK-UP: * *ALL SONGS/FOOTAGE USED LISTED AT THE END OF THE VIDEO* Oh no! Not another Deathly Hallows video added to youtube?! YEAP :DD, I couldn’t resist making a video with Deathly Hallows. The trailer was so MINDBLOWINGLY EPIC. Not sure if ’mindblowingly’ is a word, but lets pretend it is : )). I had tears in my eyes while watching it, and the scene where Voldemort asks Harry ’Why do you live?’ blew me away [the answer to that question is because J.K. Rowling wrote it that way, by the way, Voldie]. So I HAD to vid this epic trailer. I can’t believe that Harry Potter is finally coming to an end, and that there will be no more movies/books/anything related to HP to look out for after Deathly Hallows pt. 2. Thinking about that makes me kind of sad :\\. But I really can’t wait to see Deathly Hallows, part 2 especially. So, about the video now. This video was a PAIN-IN-THE-ASS
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