10 Modern Games That Perfectly Capture The Retro Vibe

It’s all well and good to make a pixel art side-scroller and call it “retro“, but the cream of the modern retro crop knows exactly how to make a game FEEL like it travelled in time from that era, even if it makes use of up-to-date graphics and gameplay to achieve that effect. After all, we often remember things being way better than they actually were, and a great retro developer understands that. As such, for this video we’re listing ten games that we think best understand the retro vibe they were trying to evoke, and managed to wrap their players in a rose-tinted blanket of cosy nostalgia. Here are 10 Modern Games That Perfectly Capture the Retro Vibe! VO: Peter Austin (@ThatPeterAustin) Script: Simon Pike (@Sim198k) Video Editor: Lean Bacalzo (@LeanBacalzo) #SonicMania #Undertale #LegendOfGrimrock -------------------------- Subscribe for more wonderful video game content from Ben Potter, Peter Austin, and Ashton Matthews! TripleJump provid
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