MultiCrossover │“I love you, I hate you“ [27]

Watch HD, better for your eyes! Theme: Story about love in the high school, they can’t be together cause of any reasons and they have relationship on distance in the end find way to each other (Janna’s idea) ────────────────────────── ILIRIEA - Lydia&Ezra [TW/PLL] Gusik -Malia/Ansel Elgort [TW/movies] Nina - Quinn&Nathan [Glee/OTH] stillhotterthanyours - Elena&Nate [TVD/GG] skoobie79 - Aria&Stefan [PLL/TVD] MissDatherinePierce - Faye&Roman [TSC/ST kindon18 - Claire&Derek [Heroes/TW] ──────────────────
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