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|| Om Hreem Kushmandayai Jagatprasootyai Namaha ||
| Surasampoornakalasham Rudhiraplutmev Cha |
|| Dadhana Hastpadmabhyam Kushmanda Shubhdastu Me ||
Which means, Goddess Kushmanda who holds two pitchers full of Madira and Blood in her lotus hands, be propitious to me.
The fourth manifestation of Goddess Durga. She is adored and worshipped on the fourth day of the Navaraatri. She dwells in the abode of the Sun God. That is why her hue and spendour is as brilliant as the sun itself. It is her spendour that pervades every plant and creature of this universe. All the ten quarters are illuminated by her divine refulgence.
The name Kushmanda is made of three other words that are “Ku Ushma Amnda= Kushmanda”. Here “Ku” is “Little”, “Ushma” is “Warmth or Energy” and “Anda” is “Egg” , meaning the one who create the universe as “Little Cosmic Egg” with the energy of Her divine smile, is called “Kushmanda”.
When this universe was non-existent and darkness prevailed everywhere, it was Maa Kushmaandaa who produced the Cosmic Egg with her mere smile. So Maa Kushmanda is also known as the creator the whole universe. Maa Kushmanda is also named as “Adi Shakti”. She is the only one who has the power and strength to live in the core of Suryaloka. Her body shines like the glowing Sun. All directions get light from Her Divine smile including the Sun God itself. Maa Kushmanda also known as “Ashtabhuja” as she is often depicted as having eight arms. In her seven hands she holds Kamandalu, Bow, Arrow, Lotus, a Jar of Nectar, Discus, and Mace. In her eighth hand she holds a mala capable of giving eight Siddhis and nine Niddhis. She rides a lion who represents “Dharma”. On worshiping Her, ailments and sorrows are eliminated and life span, name, strength and health improved.
Mother Kushmaandaa is the bestower of all pleasures. Her adoration and worship delivers a person from all kinds of ailments and leads him on to the path of prosperity and pleasures. So, a devotee should adore and worship her with a purified mind and intellect.
Goddess Kushmanda is Mother of Sun. She creates the entire universe and solar system. Devotees must worship her in order to get success in her creation. Devotees, who has malefic Sun in their birth chart should worship Kushmanda Devi.
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5 months ago 00:36:38 1
Kushmanda Jaap Mantra 108 Times | कुष्मांडा जाप मंत्र | Day 4 Mantra | Day Colour - Orange