Крым на фотографиях / The Crimea in photographs 1897
Россия на дореволюционных фотографиях
Фотографии Алекса́ндр В. Живаго
Россия на дореволюционных фотографиях
The Crimea
Photographs by Alexander V. Zhivago
К. Шаханов. Фантазии на три русских темы
K. Shahani. Fantasies on three Russian themes
В 1897 году Александр Живаго вместе со своим другом и коллегой Брониславом Грохольский совершили путешествие во по Крыму.
In 1897 Alexander Zhivago together with his friend and colleague Bronislav Groholsky made a trip to the Crimea. These are the phtographs from that trip.....
Born into a wealthy merchant family, Alexander Vasilyevich Zhivago entered the medical faculty of Moscow University. From 1886 he served in the Golitsyn hospital . Passionate about the theatre, he kept a diary detailing his theatrical visits etc. He counted among his friends, K. Stanislavsky , F. Shalyapin , A. Nezhdanova and P. Korin .
He was a member of a number of Moscow societies, including the Russian Photographic Society.
Zhivago never married. This enabled him to travel at will, beginning in 1897 with the trip to Crimea. This was followed by a trip to the Caucasus and the lower teachers of the Volga.
In 1900 he was invited to the Medical Congress in Paris, timed to coincide with the World Exhibition . He continued to travel, in 1901-1907, mainly in Europe.
In 1909–1910 he made a long trip to Egypt and the Middle East. This began a lasting interest in ancient civilisations and collecting their monuments.....
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