IF STANDS WERE REAL || Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure Cosplay ( w/ @LeonChiroCosplayArt )

COME SEE A JOJO STAND IN REAL LIFE, as Anasui shows us how he uses his stand Diver Down to make ordinary tasks easier for himself! Also featuring @ElizabethRage as Jolyne Kujoh and Weather Report from Stone Ocean!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALL OF MY SOCIALS: ​ Follow my Twitch: ​ Join my Discord: ​ Twitter: ​ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you to my incredible friends who joined me for this video! Anasui: , @LeonChiroCosplayArt Jolyne: , @ElizabethRage Weather Report: Diver Down: Me! #jjba #jojosbizzareadventure #wholewheatpete
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