USA and Russia Unite To Fight Financial Terrorists In 1863

Опубликовано: 2 июл. 2009 г. The history of the Federal Reserve is an ongoing battle between the Banking elite and the people and anyone who gets in the way is usually crushed. Bush and Obama’s top down Wall Street bank bailout, at the expense of Main Street, is a good example of why Rothschild’s Federal Reserve must be audited and eventually abolished: Allen L Roland The Fed (which is not even a government agency, but rather a private corporation consisting of mostly foreign bankers and answers to no one) dictates America’s financial policies and is the obvious conduit for the banking elite to control the financial world and, in particular, the New World Order. And now Obama wants to give even more power to the Fed as Eliot Spitzer writes today in Slate ~ “ The Fed botched banking regulation once already. So why does Obama want to give it more power? “ Spitzer goes on to elaborate on the main problem with the Fed ~ “ The United States should not lightly put our
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