Legacy Movie Power Morpher White Ranger Edition [Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie]

This is the Legacy Power Morpher: White Ranger Edition, from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie. This is the latest Toys “R“ Us Exclusive item in the Legacy toyline. It’s the exact same mold as the previous Legacy Power Morpher releases, with a few differences. The front of the Morpher is more reflective and there are no words on it. The back has white lines instead of colored ones, and is silver. The coins are not weathered and it comes with Falconzord and Tigerzord coins. It also has a white holster, unlike the previous black one. All in all, it’s another nice item for collectors. If you have the previous Legacy Power Morpher and you’re sick of Mighty Morphin, then you can easily pass on this. But I personally still like it because it has enough differences to stand out.
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