Vibrations and Energy Potential Increase _ Return To Life

In search of his spiritual path, life purpose, himself, the embodied Arcturian of the 9th dimension fell under the influence of dark forces through an experience with psychedelics and aiwasca. As a result, George’s physical and mental health deteriorated sharply, the negative system took away 95 percent of his energy, leaving only 5 percent for his soul to sustain life. George was not able to work, do spiritual practices, physical exercises, mostly just lying down. Life has stopped. The soul was not fulfilling the lessons planned in the life program, and even more its purpose. George completed the entire program. Back to life. #ARCTURUS #ARCTURIAN9DIMENSION #ARCTURIANTHENINTHDIMENSION #PastLives #EnergyPotential #KARMA#EnergyStructureCleansing #VIBRATIONSINCREASE #Boötes Constellation #FourthBrightestStar #Arcturians #IncarnatedArcturians #Boötes Alpha #LIGHTWORKER #TRANSITION #TRANSITIONOFPLANET #TRANSITIONOFHUMANITY #ASCENSION #AWAKENING #5D #CREATOR #GOD #SOURCE #CHANNELING #HigherM
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