Egypt has developed the SENA 200 new tracked armored vehicle

The National Organization for Military Production, part of the Egyptian Ministry of Defense has developed the SENA 200, a new tracked armored IFV (Infantry Fighting Vehicle) fully designed and developed in Egypt. The vehicle was unveiled for the first time to the public during the Egypt Defense Exhibition, EDEX 2021. The design of the SENA 200 seems very similar to the Soviet BMP series, but according to the Egyptian Defense Industry, it is an entirely new vehicle. The vehicle is based on tracked torsion bars and shock absorbers suspensions consisting on each side of five road wheels with the drive sprocket at the front and the idler at the rear. The upper part is protected by armor plates. The front of the SENA 200 has a sloped glacis with the driver at the left and the engine compartment at the right. The driver position is equipped with full digitalized displays to control and drive the vehicle. The internal layout has been designed to offer a high level of comfort, with individual seats for each soldier
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