Rare Southern White Rhino Marking His Territory | Ceratotherium simum simum
Somehow this nature documentary video featuring a Southern white rhino marking territory has been turned into a rhino 💩 meme!
Rhinoceroses have poor eyesight so their pathways around their territory are marked with scent, this shows you how the scent is spread...
Basically the Southern white rhino bull has a number of midden/latrine sites in his territory where he defecates, afterwards the rhinoceros bull kicks the faeces with his back feet enabling him to leave the scent on the ground as he walks away. It is much more than simply a rhino pooping.
The midden also acts as a messaging board for other rhinos. Female white rhino will defecate around the edges so that territory holders can know of their presence and oestrus status. Other male white rhino will mark directly on top of the midden as a challenge to the territorial male or on the edges if they are just passing through and want to be respectful.
The Southern White Rhino or Square-Lipped Rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum simum)
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