“ तदेवार्थमात्रनिर्भासं स्वरूपशून्यमिव समाधिः” - Yoga Sutra III.3 (tad evartha-matra-nirbhasam-swaroopa-shunyam iva samadhih) “that particular object appearing alone, as if empty of its own form, is samadhi” The Pali/Sanskrit word ‘Samadhi’( समाधि ) is made of the three – ‘sam’ meaning ‘together’ or ‘one with’, ‘a’ meaning ‘toward’, and ‘dha’ which stems from the word ‘dadhati’ meaning ‘puts, or places’ which comes from the root ‘dhe’ which means ‘to set’ or ‘to put’. Put together this would roughly translate into a ‘collected state of being’ or a ‘concentrated state of being’. Samadhi often refers to the perfection of the processes of meditation, even at times as the supreme goal of meditation practice. In Buddhism Samadhi is seen as a d