~S P E C I A L T H A N K S~
Salon info: 吉祥寺【温石&ヘッドスパ専門店】kokospa
Address: Tokyo, Kichijouji station, Corridor Kichijoji 2F
Menu I got: overall 210mins of head spa but takes 5 hours.
170mins head spa 10 mins optional head bath 15 mins hot stone on face 15mins hot stone on neck tansan = 210mins (needs 5hours, ¥42,300).
*Please note, this video was taken in December 2022. In April 2023, owner upgraded this menu with many new techniques and steps. That’s why prices are increased from April due to upgrade of the menu.
Salon type: everyone is welcomed!
Discount for my Subscribers❤️
Mention “A
...SMR Twix“ when booking your session to get tansansen service for free! Make sure to book a menu longer than 110mins to be able to get tansansen service for free!
Book via website:
Book via Instagram:
She works alone so only 1 customer can be in the salon at a time.
*All the places on my channel require booking in advance.
~My online shop💆♀️💆♂️~
USA and Worldwide shop (except Japan):
~Products used~Ships from USA!
Massage comb:
Twin mushrooms:
Shiatsu spoon:
Gua sha:
住所:東京都武蔵野市吉祥寺本町2-10-12 コリドール吉祥寺2階 Room J
JR/京王線 吉祥寺駅北口から徒歩約4分
2023年4月にコースの内容がグレードアップされ、更に魅力的なコースになりました。動画の内容と同じメニュー210分(所要時間約5時間 ¥42,300)になりました。
メニューの内容: クリームバス170分
ASMR Twix視聴者の皆さんに特典があるので、予約の際に動画を見たと伝えたら炭酸泉を無料で受けられます。
~Our Terahertz massage tools available in 16 Japanese spa and salons~
They are used in Japanese spa and salons for customers since September 2022.
Online and in store purchase is available within Japan.
You can find them through this link under Japan shipping:
0:00 preview
2:19 intro, before tea, choosing aromas
9:12 neck, shoulder and scalp massages, aroma
13:24 shampoo time
19:48 head bath, hand massage
25:18 hair treatment, scalp massage
31:11 face massage, hot stone, eye treatments
36:28 towel bath, neck massage, gua sha and tansan on neck
42:41 shoulder and neck massage, after tea
44:59 tansan, arm massage
50:59 hot stone on neck
55:45 hair drying, finishing touches, surprise haha
1:00:13 ending, pictures
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