ЛЕГИОН УХОДИТ В БОЙ - Песня про клонов и штурмовиков / Английская версия, Валайбалалай
Английская версия знаменитой песни “Легион уходит в бой“, посвященной клонам Великой Армии Республики, а так же штурмовикам Галактической Империи и Первого Ордена.
Original Russian version:
Special thanks to Kung Fu Tze for Russian-English brilliant translation:
Channel support:
Once again to the Venator,
Rifle, helmet, detonator,
We’ve been summoned to our stations,
Droids invade the allied nations.
The whole galaxy is burning,
As if caught in an inferno,
Into battle we are flying,
And in battle we are dying...
The planets turn, and cities burn,
And we all suffer in our turn:
Camino, Ilum, Dathomir,
Felucia and Dantooine.
But step by step, we forge ahead,
Venator roaring overhead.
We all would come back home alive,
But our Legion will survive...
Three years straight through storms and lightning,
We marched forward never frightened,
We went where the Jedi ordered,
Hell itself our missions bordered!
Then the news: our foes are broken!
Our blasters were still smoking,
But our generals betrayed us,
Death to all you Jedi traitors!
The planets turn, and cities burn,
And we all suffer in our turn:
Umbara, Yavin, Ord-Mantell,
Jabim, Christofsis, Harrun-Cal.
But step by step, we forge ahead,
Venator roaring overhead.
We all would come back home alive,
But our Legion will survive...
Here we stand before Darth Vader,
As he lowers his red saber,
His deep voice tells us, “Stand down now!”
The Empire can sleep soundly!
All our enemies defeated,
We thought clones were barely needed,
When again the Jedi traitors
Made us run to our Venators.
We’ve worked so hard, it is not fair,
Treason was hanging in the air,
They push on us, they try to clinch,
But we won’t falter, not an inch!
We beat them back, only we can!
With rifles, knives, and with our hands!
We all would come back home alive,
But our Legion must survive...
All throughout we chased the traitors,
Hunting them in our Venators,
We will follow all of your steps,
And we’ll sweep you off our doorstep!
In the jungle, in the desert,
Wherever you may be present,
With the might of our forces,
We will kill you where your source is!
The planets turn, and cities burn,
And we all suffer in our turn:
They push on us, they try to clinch,
But now is not the time to flinch!
We beat them back, only we can!
With rifles, knives, and with our hands!
We all would come back home alive,
But the Empire will survive...
On Jaku, Scarif and Endor,
All that we have built was ending,
Our flame was slowly dying,
And our flag no longer flying.
All our plans and our devices,
To put down this Rebel crisis,
Ended with the Jedi winning,
But is this a new beginning?
Our native planets, still in mind,
Our native systems far behind,
The day will come, the hour will pass,
When you will all remember us!
We have no choice but to retreat,
So that we’re not completely beat.
But we’ll yet hear your dying cries,
For our Legion will survive!
Fallen brethren we’ve remembered,
Our fight has not yet ended,
New armadas are now landing,
Our vengeance is at hand now!
Our flame is reignited,
And we stand again united,
Terror will instill all your steps,
We are at your very doorstep!
The planets turn, and cities burn,
And you will suffer in your turn:
Jaku, Akiva, Agamar,
Correlia and Hosnian...
Shoulder to shoulder, on we move,
Starkiller’s bringing death to you!
We all would come back home alive,
But our Legion will survive...
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2 weeks ago 01:03:55 1
МОЕЙ ШКОЛОЙ БЫЛА УЛИЦА. Фильм 2025. Криминальная драма.
4 months ago 01:40:31 3
Серийные убийцы в армии, или Во всём виноват Гудвин