The Temple V2 - Still The Strongest Solo Base 2022

______________________________________ * Become a PATRON or support with a 1-time donation: * If you want to contact me, I’m on discord: * Business Email: GameLightzMusic@ * Use RUSTICATED Creative to have a closer look at the base: ______________________________________ THE TEMPLE V2: *CHEAP and STRONG Solo Base (3 bunkers) UPDATE: “ 60“ is now an admin-only command. Use a lantern (25 frags) to make the chest-to-shelf jumps in the core great again! (CONSOLE FRIENDLY! Just make sure NOT to replace the freehanded square with triangles, and use regular (not triangle) roofs to open the bunker :)) * Nearly unraidable on solo servers. Especially designed to always* last through the wipe in solo weekly/biweekly servers. Will be very strong in any setting. * PERFECT for villages * Upgra
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